Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Learning of Drawing, Painting, Clay Modeling

            What is Creativity? It is a phenomenon where a person creates something new, either it may be a product, a solution or it may be a work of art which yields some kind of value. A student's creative ideas help at every stage of study, school, college, university and finally at work and home too. It has been scientifically proven that Drawing and Painting helps in developing concentration level, behavioral changes and also is a major stress-buster.

      Talent always recognises talent. So, being a men of artistic, content, creativity, I always want to distribute or provide my knowledge and skill to someone who really knows the value of it. I am very glad to announce that I am going to introduce Home Tuition for the needy students in my leisure period.

     Following are some fields in which I can offer some classes...

           Classes Offered:
1. Drawing & Painting:

(For the age above 3 years)
Syllabus:   Pencil sketching, Shading, Colouring with water colour, Oil pastels, Colour pencils,         Drawing (Landscapes, human figures, animals, portraits) and Glitter Works.

2. Oil Painting:

(For the age above 10 years)
Syllabus:   Practicing of Pencil drawing, Sketching and Shading of landscapes, human                    figures, anatomy and portraits and Practicing of Oil Painting on Canvas Board.

3. 3-D Clay:

(For the age above 10 years)
Syllabus:   Landscapes, Flowers, Human figures, Abstract art, Temple & God Designs, Pots and many more.

Fee per Class: Rs. 25-50 based on the age limit per student.

   Each class consists of 2 hours only on Weekend and Sunday. Limited classes for weekdays. For more information and query, Please contact ...

Mr Gyanaranjan 
Mob: +91-8456813569
E-mail:   gyanaranjanjena@yahoo.com
Web:    http://gyanashreeartgallery.blogspot.com